2022 M3P stuck on tesla logo

Had 80% charge the night before and came to this in the morning. Noticed the phone 📱 worked in unlocking car but that's it. The app will not sync with the car.

Thisngs I've tried so far,

Restart process multiple times with brake and without.

Driving around running errands. It goes into D R and P just fine.

Plugging into super charger. Light immediately turns green like it's full already.

Curious if anyone has experienced this similar scenario and what was the final resolution.

Have a mobile tech appointment Wednesday

It's a 2022 m3p with 25,000 miles.

Had 80% charge the night before and came to this in the morning. Noticed the phone 📱 worked in unlocking car but that's it. The app will not sync with the car.

Thisngs I've tried so far,

Restart process multiple times with brake and without.

Driving around running errands. It goes into D R and P just fine.

Plugging into super charger. Light immediately turns green like it's full already.

Curious if anyone has experienced this similar scenario and what was the final resolution.

Have a mobile tech appointment Wednesday

It's a 2022 m3p with 25,000 miles.